What are the benefits of plaster?2023-09-12T11:57:03-04:00

PLASTER IS A TIME TESTED PRODUCT: Plaster has been used as a swimming pool surface coating for the past 50 years. This experience has shown that plaster is a durable surface that can stand up to the environment of proper pool water chemistry. There is no other pool surface on the market with this time tested history.

PLASTER IS ECONOMICAL: Plaster is the most economical pool surface. Its initial cost is well below more expensive options. In addition, the average plaster surface can easily last 15 to 25 years, which makes plaster one of the most economical components of a swimming pool. That’s value for your investment.

REPAIRABLE AND FORGIVING: Taking care of your pool takes time and attention. As time goes on and mistakes are made, a pool surface can become stained, discolored, and/or damaged. Stains on a plastered pool can be chemically removed or sanded off. A plaster surface can tolerated several of these procedures in its lifetime.

PLASTER IS LONG LASTING: The secret to long life of any pool surface is properly maintained water balance. Improper water balance will destroy any pool surface and in many cases, void the warranty of that surface. A plaster surface, in a properly maintained pool, can last 15 to 25 years.

PLASTER IS NON-TOXIC AND ECOLOGICALLY SOUND: There is a lot of concern today about toxic products. Pool plaster is made from some of Mother Nature’s finest materials. Plaster, being a cement product, is part of the largest segment of the construction industry. The backbone of construction, and the world, is cement.

PLASTER IS AVAILABLE IN A VARIETY OF COLORS: Pool Plaster is available world-wide. You need not worry that your pool surface will become obsolete. Plaster can be done in a wide variety of colors to create any appearance desired. The color is not just surface coating but continuous through the entire material. In addition, options are available for different finish techniques including exposed aggregate, that allow for great variety in obtaining a desired pool appearance.

How do I know I need to replaster my pool?2023-09-12T11:56:33-04:00

When you can no longer keep control of the algae that has grown into the pits of the plaster. When you see the gray gunite shell show through thin plaster. When plaster has many pop-ups. When the pool surface is rough to walk on, snags bathing suits, or pool cleaner parts seem to be wearing down in a short time (tires, wear rings, hoses, etc.). When plaster has blue/green or orangish stains from high amounts of metals in water.

What causes the stains in pool’s plaster?2023-09-12T11:56:33-04:00

There are many reasons your plaster gets stained. Leaves, tree debris and other organic materials have pigments that can stain plaster. High amounts of metals in your fill water causes stains. Old pool equipment made of brass, iron, copper, steel, etc. causes metals to get into the pool. Most new pool equipment is made of fiberglass or high tempered plastic to reduce metal breakdown. Fertilizers from your yard have iron in them as well, which often is blown into the pool. Some large rust stains in plaster can be rebar or the tie wire of the rebar in the gunite shell itself bleeding through to the surface of the pool.

What are the parameters for my pool water chemistry?2023-09-12T11:56:33-04:00

When chemical operational parameters are brought into their ideal ranges, chemicals function efficiently with a minimum of expense and problems are less likely to occur. Below is a handy reference chart that contains the minimum, ideal and maximum operational parameters.

Element/Compound Minimum Ideal Maximum
Free Chlorine 1.0 ppm 1.0-3.0 ppm 3.0 ppm
Combined Chlorine None None 0.2 ppm
Bromine 2.0 ppm 2.0-4.0 ppm 4.0 ppm
pH 7.2 7.4-7.6 7.8
Total Alkalinity 80 ppm (depends on type of pool) 140 ppm
Gunite (plaster) 80-120 ppm
Vinyl Liner
Painted or Fiberglass
100-140 ppm
Calcium Hardness 150 ppm 200-400 ppm 500-1,000 ppm*
(Total Dissolved Solids)
300 ppm 1,000-2,000 ppm 3,000 ppm
Iron & Copper
(Heavy Metals)
None None 0.2 ppm
(Cyanuric Acid)
10 ppm 30-50 ppm 150 ppm

*Depends on the local fill water. Normally, 500 ppm is the maximum.

How do I figure out how my pool filter capacity?2023-09-12T11:56:33-04:00

Here are some formulas for estimating total gallons and pool capacity.

Rectangular or Square Pools:
Length x Width x Average Depth x 7.5
(Example): 20 x 40 x Pool with an average depth of 5 feet
20 x 40 x 5 x 7.5 = 30,000 gallons

Round Pools:
Diameter of Pool x the diameter of the pool x Average Depth x 5.9.
(Example): 20′ round pool, average depth 4′
20 x 20 x 4 x 5.9′ = 9,440 gallons

Oval Pools:
Length x Width x Average Depth x 5.9

Free Form Pools:
If possible, divide pool shape into combinations of the above configurations and add together for total gallons. If this is impractical, calculate as nearly as possible the square footage of surface area of the pool, multiply this by the average depth and multiply this total by 7.5, the number of gallons in each cubic foot. If the pool has sloping sides, multiply total gallons computed by 0.85. In many instances, the pool contractor can provide the capacity of your pool.

Should I run my pool pump during the day or night?2023-09-12T11:56:33-04:00

The sun draws chemicals from the pool so most experts agree you should run your pool pump during the hottest time of the day.

How long should I run my pool pump each day?2023-09-12T11:56:33-04:00

Most pool filter systems are sized to circulate and filter the water twice in a 8 hour period. We recommend that you run your pool pump a minimum of 8 hours in the summer.

How can I tell if my pool is leaking?2023-09-12T11:56:33-04:00

Pools do lose 1″ to 1-1/2″ per week during summer months just by normal evaporation. When the days are warm and the nights cool evaporation is at it’s highest. Using the ordinary 5 gallon plastic bucket you can perform this simple test to determine if your pool is leaking.

Bring pool water to normal level. Fill bucket with pool water to about 1 inch from top. Place bucket on 1st or 2nd step of pool. Mark water level on inside of bucket. Shut off pump and mark pool water level on outside of bucket. Resume normal pump operation. After 24 hours, compare the 2 water levels. If the pool water (outside mark) goes down more than inside water level, there is probably a leak.

What areas do you serve?2023-09-12T11:56:33-04:00

Premier Pool Renovations serves all of DE, PA and NJ

Why do estimates I receive vary so much from company to company when the pool is the same?2023-09-12T11:56:33-04:00

Many factors contribute to the total renovation cost of your pool and surrounding. Some companies submit high prices on the work to be done because they are hopeful you will not get other estimates to compare, whereas others submit low introductory estimates with the intent to boost prices later during the actual renovation with expensive changes and add-ons. If craftsmanship, quality of materials, design, integrity, customer service, prompt construction and outstanding warranties are important to you, then Premier Pool Renovations should be your contractor. Remember, good work is never cheap and cheap work is never good.

How do I go about selecting the best company to perform my pool renovation?2023-09-12T11:56:33-04:00

Interview your prospective renovation company carefully. What is the main focus of their work? Do they have references? What is their experience? What is their standing with the Better Business Bureau or the State Department of Consumer Affairs? Are they members of any industry associations? Do they have all the required insurance? Are you comfortable that your property will be treated with dignity and respect? At Premier Pool Renovations, customer service is the first and foremost requirement for our entire staff.

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